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Join 25+ World Class Writing, Publishing, and Marketing Experts

For The Insider Story Of What Is Working Today

Discover how to write, publish, and market your Fantasy and Sci-Fi novels.

This event will bring together the best writing, publishing, and marketing experts in the industry to teach you about becoming a Fantasy or Sci-Fi author FREE (for a limited time).


May 13-17, 2024

​Join 1,000s of people just like YOU and

start writing, publishing, and marketing your Fantasy and Sci-Fi novels TODAY!

Our Speakers Have Been Featured In

Featured Expert Sessions

Day 1

Ellefson & Johnson

Summit Day 1 Kickoff

Janet Forbes

World Building with World Anvil

Janice Hardy

The Power of POV in Shaping Narrative

Savannah Gilbo

Use Your Genre to Unlock the Secrets of Story Structure

Megan Haskell

The Art and Impact of an Author Mission Statement

C.R. Rowenson

Magic Systems

Jill Lublin

Maximize Media Impact

Day 2

Ellefson & Johnson

Summit Day 2 Kickoff

Emily Golden & Rachel May

Creating Evil Characters

Dakota Krout

Letting Others Write
in Your World

Amy Collins

Landing An Agent

Ray Brehm

How to Build an Optin Page in 20 Minutes

Morgana Best

Selling Direct Online

Day 3

Ellefson & Johnson

Summit Day 3 Kickoff

Jennifer Hilt

Fantasy and Sci-Fi Tropes

Randy Ellefson

Fantasy & Sci-Fi World Building

Cary Richards

Sell More Books with an Author Bundle

J. S. Arquin

Narrator Advice for Sci-Fi

Ben Wolf

Convention Sales for Fantasy & Sci-Fi

Mal Cooper

Mastering Facebook

Day 4

Ellefson & Johnson

Summit Day 4 Kickoff

Hank Marcacci

Amazon Keywords & Categories for Fantasy & Sci-Fi

Lorraine Johnston

Prompting Chat GPT to Write Better & Faster Fiction

Kimberley Grabas

Define & Attract Your Audience

Damon Courtney

Advantages of Using BookFunnel

Paula Judith Johnson

Adding Romance to Fantasy and Sci-Fi

Day 5

Ellefson & Johnson

Summit Day 5 Kickoff

Robert Wood Anderson

Tension & Surprising Twists to Hold Interest

& Drive Curiosity

Joshua Dyer

Emotional Arcs for
Character Depth

Hayley Milliman

The Art & Science of Self-Editing

Clayton Noblit

Boosting Sales and Visibility: The Impact of Book Marketing Websites

Kris Safarova

Unlocking the Power of Email Marketing

Ellefson & Johnson

Summit Wrap-up

Want to access 25+ World Class Sessions?

These sessions will show you valuable resources that will help you

write, publish, and market your Fantasy and Sci-Fi novels

that the top people in the industry use and recommend.

For a limited time, you can get FREE access to this exclusive content.



Your journey to writing, publishing, and marketing your

Fantasy and Sci-Fi novels could go one of two ways:

  • Once-In-A Lifetime Curated Speakers & Actionable Content - Never before seen strategies explained by the top leadership experts in the world (hand-picked just for this summit.) 

  • You Don’t Even Need To Leave Your House – Attend From Your Computer, Phone or Tablet – ​There’s no flight or hotel room to book… saving you thousands of dollars, unpaid work leave, and time away from your family.

  • World-Class Quality Content – This is not your ordinary online event. We take pride in delivering you the absolute best content so that you can get great results, and become the Fantasy or Sci-Fi author you are

  • meant to be.


Your journey to begoming a published Fantasy or Sci-Fi author

could go one of two ways:

Long and Difficult Way

You could spend thousands dollars and countless hours trying to implement "OLD" outdated strategies you've learned from "so-called experts" that aren't that effective anymore (or worse... don't work at all!). 

Easy and Fast Way

You could sign up for the Fantasy/Sci-Fi Authors Summit today and get real insights from the experts and a step-by-step guide to get some of your biggest questions about becoming a Fantasy or Sci-Fi author answered.

Meet Your Hosts

Randy Ellefson and

Paula Judith Johnson

Hi, we're Randy Ellefson and

Paula Judith Johnson.

Randy: I am the author/creator of The Art of World Building books, podcast, YouTube channel, and World Building University. I also write epic/urban fantasy and LitRPG.

Paula Judith: I am an online entrepreneur, an Amazon Best Selling author, the award-winning author of steamy romance novels, creator and hostess of the Writing Romance Mastery Summit, and creator of the Seductive Storylines online romance writing course.

Want to access 25+

World Class Sessions?

These sessions will show you valuable resources that will help you

write, publish, and market your Fantasy and Sci-Fi novels

that the top people in the industry use and recommend.

For a limited time, you can get FREE access to this exclusive content.

@ 2024 Fantasy/Sci-Fi Authors Summit is curated by Paula Judith Johnson